Monday, October 26, 2009


The lectern is finished! Pictures to come soon, I need a camera first. Some revisions being done on the interaction of the program and the third mode will have new images to play with. The bottle design should be finished by Tuesday or Wednesday and will be printed. If the 3D print works I'll be able to print out the other 6. If not I'll have to buy bottles cut the bottom out, have them sand blasted, and tape the bottoms shut each day after loading in the batteries. The Arduini are running on 6Ah LiPo batteries so they will last a long time. The Wiimotes will need new batteries every day. I need to pick up a large AA battery recharger. Ambient sounds are recorded and need to be edited. The opening will be November 9th in E-9 in the ARC building at Pratt Brooklyn.

Some other projects in the works for the end of November and December but they will have to wait.