Thursday, May 10, 2007

Gesture Bread Board

I wanted the piece to be stand alone so I had to program the gesture recognition into the Arduino chip. There are libraries being created to do this but I have not heard much about their progress.

I'll explain the breadboard. I picked super bright LEDs because they are easy to see on video. I used 10x10 LED bars; they are neat and diffuse the light well so I went with them. I bought them on DIGIKEY. I placed the LED in the center of the breadboard due to their large size compared to the breadboards I have been using. Since each LED bar is actually four LEDs I needed a way to control all four LEDs at once. I did this by using a transistor, TIP-120s to be specific. Each TIP-120 controls one LED bar. I used 220 ohm resistors on the LEDs. I am not sure if that is the correct one but it was the best out of the selection I have. The normal red LED is just so I know the board is receiving power. Strapped to the underside is the Arduino board and a 9V battery. Both are powering the board, the Arduino is being powered via USB but that is easily changeable. I did not have time to solder the wires. The accelerometer is attached to the breadboard to provide some (although very little) stability. It then connects to the analog inputs of the Arduino. The digital outputs control the TIP-120 and therefore the lights. Note that the wire from the 9V to the breadboard is not there (normally connected to the volatage regulator).


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