Tuesday, December 18, 2007

A whole ton of Arduino Code

#define header 5 //this is the current header
#define header2 6
//Declare Output Pins
int motorPin = 13;
int speakerOut = 12;
//Declare Input Pins
int tablePin = 3;
int sensorPinX = 2;
int sensorPinY = 1;
int sensorPinZ = 0;
//Values for sensosrs
int valX = 0;
int valY = 0;
int valZ = 0;
//values for gesture recognition
int testVal = 111;
//Array to capture data
int newMotion[100];
int swirl[100] = {
int shake[100] = {
//Booleans to Control Behaviors
boolean swirlGate = false;
boolean shakeGate = false;
boolean chirpGate = true;
// Behavior Control
int loc = 0;
int behav = 0;
int shFactor = 0;
int swFactor = 0;
int randNum = 0;
int maxLoop = 0;
int getByte = -1;
int getByteL = -1;
int getByteB = -1;
int otherLoc = -1;
int otherBehav = -1;
//Xbee Config from Rob Faludi at ITP rob@faldui.com
// a byte to send out data:
char thisByte = 0;

void setup () {
pinMode(speakerOut, OUTPUT);
pinMode(tablePin, INPUT);
pinMode(sensorPinX, INPUT);
pinMode(sensorPinY, INPUT);
pinMode(sensorPinZ, INPUT);
//open serial
//code from Rob Fauldi
// for some reason it seems to help to send an arbitrary character first
//then pause for the guard time before requesting command mode
// put the XBee in command mode
// wait for a response from the XBee for 2000 ms, or start
// over with setup if no valid response comes

if (returnedOK() == 'T') {
// if an OK was received then continue
else {
setup(); // otherwise go back and try setup again
// set the PAN (personal area network) ID number
// this example uses 0x3330, but you'll want to choose your own
// unique hexadecimal number between 0x0 and 0xFFFE
// (note the comma at the end of the command which indicates that
//another command will follow)
// set the Destination High to 0x0
// to select 16 bit addressing mode. These addresses can
// be assigned and changed by sending commands from a microcontroller
// set the Destination Low (16 bit address)
// this example uses 0x0 for send and 0x1 for receive but you'll
// want to choose your own hexadecimal numbers between 0x0 and 0xFFFE
// exit command mode (note that we use Serial.printLN here to issue
//a linefeed that completes the command sequence)
// the preceeding commands can also be sent on a single line like this,
//using a single AT command with commas:
// Serial.println("ATID3330,DH0,DL1,CN");
// the preceeding command line could also be sent as separate commands,
//by reissuing the AT command:
//This part I modified for this project
//end of modification
// wait for a response from the XBee for 2000 ms, or start
// over with setup if no valid response comes

if (returnedOK() == 'T') {
// if an OK was received then continue
else {
setup(); // otherwise go back and try setup again
//the returnOK function was written by Rob Faludi
char returnedOK () {
// this function checks the response on the serial port to see if it was an "OK" or not
char incomingChar[3];
char okString[] = "OK";
char result = 'n';
int startTime = millis();
while (millis() - startTime < 2000 && result == 'n') { // use a timeout of 10 seconds
if (Serial.available() > 1) {
// read three incoming bytes which should be "O", "K", and a linefeed:
for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {
incomingChar[i] = Serial.read();
if ( strstr(incomingChar, okString) != NULL ) { // check to see if the respose is "OK"
// if (incomingChar[0] == 'O' && incomingChar[1] == 'K') { // check to see if the first two characters are "OK"
result = 'T'; // return T if "OK" was the response
else {
result = 'F'; // otherwise return F
return result;

void recognizeSwirl(){
for(int z = 0; z < 100; z++){
//check new array to old
testVal = abs(newMotion[z] - swirl[z]);
if(testVal<65) {
swirlGate = true;
else {
swirlGate = false;
z = 100;

void recognizeShake(){
for(int z = 0; z < 100; z++){
//check new array to old
testVal = abs(newMotion[z] - shake[z]);
if(testVal<20) {
shakeGate = true;
else {
swirlGate = false;
z = 100;

void chirp(){
for(int x = 0; x< 5; x++){
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++){
//This sets the frequence f = 1/t or PW = 1/(2*f) time is in microseconds
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++){
//This sets the frequence f = 1/t or PW = 1/(2*f) time is in microseconds


void shakeLoop(){
//This for loop sets the length of the note
for(int x = 0; x< 3; x++){
for (int i = 0; i < 225; i++){
//This sets the frequence f = 1/t or PW = 1/(2*f) time is in microseconds

for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++){
//This sets the frequence f = 1/t or PW = 1/(2*f) time is in microseconds
for (int i = 0; i < 80; i++){
//This sets the frequence f = 1/t or PW = 1/(2*f) time is in microseconds
if (maxLoop >= 10){
behav = 0;
maxLoop = 0;

void swirlLoop(){
//Sound and Vibration
for(int x = 0; x< 2; x++){
for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++){
//This sets the frequence f = 1/t or PW = 1/(2*f) time is in microseconds

if (maxLoop >= 10){
behav = 0;
maxLoop = 0;

int shakeFactor(int A, int B, int L){
int factor = 0;
int lfact = 0;
lfact = abs(loc - L);
factor = A + 20 - lfact;
return factor;
//calculate the shake control factor

int swirlFactor(int A,int B, int L){
int factor = 0;
int lfact = 0;
lfact = abs(loc - L);
factor = A + 40 - lfact;
return factor;
//calculate the shake control factor

void locate(){
int tableRead = 0;
tableRead = analogRead(tablePin);
if (tableRead>=128 && tableRead<=130){
loc = 1;
else if (tableRead>=1 && tableRead<=4){
loc = 2;
else if (tableRead>=66 && tableRead<=68){
loc = 3;
else if (tableRead>=60 && tableRead<=62){
loc = 4;
else if (tableRead==0){
loc = 0;
else {


void loop () {
while(loc>0) { //Creature is in the table
chirpGate = true;
shFactor = 0; //sets controls back to zero
swFactor = 0; //sets controls back to zero
//sends out behaviors and location
//Receive Data
if (Serial.available() > 1) {
getByte = Serial.read();
if (getByte == 54){
getByteL = Serial.read();
getByteB = Serial.read();
if (getByteL == 49 ){
otherLoc = 1;
if (getByteL == 50){
otherLoc = 2;
if (getByteL == 51){
otherLoc = 3;
if (getByteL == 52){
otherLoc = 4;
if (getByteB == 48 ){
otherBehav = 0;
if (getByteB == 49){
otherBehav = 1;
if (getByteB == 50){
otherBehav = 2;
if (otherBehav==1){
swFactor = swirlFactor(swFactor,otherBehav,otherLoc); //these two functions will calculate a variable to control the switching of behaviors
else if (otherBehav==2){
shFactor = shakeFactor(shFactor,otherBehav,otherLoc); //these two functions will calculate a variable to control the switching of behaviors
if (behav == 0){ //If I am doing nothing
randNum = random(0,100);
if (randNum <= shFactor){ //should I be shaking
behav = 2;
maxLoop = 0;
else if (randNum <= swFactor){ //should I be swirling
behav = 1;
maxLoop = 0;
chirp(); //Default Behavior
if (behav == 2){ //If I am shaking
randNum = random(0,100);
if (randNum <= swFactor){
behav = 1;
maxLoop = 0;
shakeLoop(); //Shake Behavior
delay(2000); //delay about four seconds

if (behav == 1){ //If I am swirling
randNum = random(0,100);
if (randNum <= shFactor){
behav = 2;
maxLoop = 0;
swirlLoop(); //Shake Behavior
delay(4000); //delay about four seconds

//might not want a while statement here, if maybe??
while(loc == 0) { //This is when the creature is disconnected from the board
//Gesture Recognition goes here
if (chirpGate == true) {
chirpGate = false;
for(int i=0; i<100; i=i+3) {
newMotion[i] = analogRead(sensorPinX);
newMotion[i+1] = analogRead(sensorPinY);
newMotion[i+2] = analogRead(sensorPinZ);
if (swirlGate == false) {
if (swirlGate == true) {
//swirl Behavior
behav = 1;
// Serial.println("swirl");
if (shakeGate == true) {
//shake Behavior
behav = 2;
shakeGate = false;

Thursday, December 13, 2007

A cast is born

I deleted the code from my blog for it had many errors in it. The parts worked (the functions) but the whole had issues and mistake I made (copying the wrong files and timing issues). I will post the currently working code later today after I tweak the data for the resistance located in the board. All I have left is soldering, one more mold, and painting the table. The circuit works and the program works. I will test the zigbee communication later as I have to change the setup because I only have two objects now. Here is a picture of a casting using Dragon Skin Q. I will do two more in regular Dragon Skin; they should come out less thick. If time allows I can fix one done in Dragon Skin Q that was too thin on the top. I will choose the best two and use those. I have work and then a final. Full steam ahead.

Friday, December 07, 2007

Mold Redux

I needed to recreate the mold. For ease I cut the clay model in half. It worked much better. I will set it in plaster later today.

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

The Program so far

I have been programing the arduino. I have a few things left to do. One is and most importantly is better understand how to send and receive data through the XBee. I am having issues with this. Two build a functioning model so I can input real variables for the table location and the gesture recognition (this will be done this weekend as the table is in NJ). Three create the actual behaviors instead of having empty functions (this will happen tomorrow).

Motors Arrive

So the motor finally arrived at Pratt. I am a day behind because I caught the flu and was out with a fever all of yesterday.

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Updates for this week

The mold failed for various reasons. I will make a new mold tonight and tomorrow. And test it Tuesday or Wednesday. I persuaded UPS to promise to deliver my package at work on Monday, which are the vibration motors and the last of what I need (the sentence, "This is unacceptable" in an authoritative tone can get you far). I'll have a breadboard version of the project on Tuesday and a fully working model on Thursday. After that it is replication four more times and finishing the table. I am not too worried I just have to work hard. This is thesis week so... I hope I do well or it's goodbye Pratt. Thesis will be my life Monday that is why the only thing I will be doing is the mold.

Part One of Table

Here is the start of the whole operation.

I have decided to reduce the number of organisms to five and the number of places to eight. I will use two full length boards but I have not decide to have them length wise 2'x10' or width 4'x5'. Each side will have four areas to put the pieces in.

Somewhere between the picture above and the one below I almost severed my finger. I saw the knife slip so I moved out of the way and shaved a good deal of skin off. So this is as far as I got. I will have to finish the other half and spray paint the board on Saturday.

Spray Paint Vs Pink Foam

Spray paint one, pink foam nothing.
This is an example of what happens to pink foam when you spray paint it.

PS This smells something awful (and toxic).